so i took the really dumb picture above on sunday. had met ziyang and sijia on that night for simpang prata and a chit chat session. the picture above is actually the moon. haha. because i remembered on saturday night in melbourne i saw the moon and now in singapore i see the moon, i realize it's the same moon though melbourne is so far away. i'm fascinated by the size of the moon, think i'm a retard.
baby, same moon yet miles apart.
alright, so the above picture was taken last night when i'm out with my boys. linger, i miss the night we came here to attempt to hold the singapore flyer with our fingers and trying to eat it up too. remember?
so yes, a secret rendezvous with my boys again last night. this time, we did a really stupid thing again. the last one, we ended up sweating like shit coz of the playground at pasir ris park. this time it was sweaty too. can't take it, my boys are just too sporty. told them a million times, when we go out, we must wear nike/adidas. hahaha.
alright, before the stupid thing, we enjoyed good supper as usual at bedok 85. then after that it was off to marina barrage and the sweaty part begins. first, we climbed up this bloody roof of this sail looking thing, we really looked like heroes but sadly, a good camera wasn't around. then we decided we were not heroes enough, we decided to go stand at the ledge of the building, like a suicide looking thing. it was fucking scary i swear, plus the strong winds, gosh.
you see, this is the problem with us. we stand there and look like heroes but we really have nothing to gain. but we still do it. let's stop this next time okay? ugh. so yea, after all these heroic stuff, the really sweat part begins. we played human chess on this tiled floor followed by everyone's childhood favourite, ice and water!! i feel quite ashamed saying this. who plays ice and water at marina barrage at the wee hours of like 3am. gosh.
then it was story-telling time before something really cool happened. the utilities board decided to open the barrage to let water out. gosh, it was the coolest thing ever. firstly, loud sirens were sounded followed by warning messages. flood lights were on too. for one moment, we though singapore is going to get invaded and bombed by some stupid country. so yes, the barrage lowered, water gushed out and stuff. it's a really rare thing that happens, so we were lucky to be able to witness it.
yuquan, leon and jing had a talk on uni selection. i really envy and thought a lot last night. oh wells, i'm pretty happy with what i am now. so yea, no regrets.
this date next month. come home soon, i miss.