Sunday, May 06, 2007

up and on...SAINTS!
ah, an old picture which i dug out from somewhere in the deep dark corners of my computer. haha. those were my farmer days with my farmer friend from thailand. i missed those days where we defended the goal post for our secondary school. fighting hard to make sure our opponents never put a soccer ball into the net. haha, i miss my glorious soccer days. ah, i've retired from the sport anyhow.

well, today was a rather cool day i guess. woke up at noon then met kel to pass him his crocs in the afternoon at city hall. then we went to see some stuff and finally settled down at the club to have some food. the laksa i treasure so dearly. hahaha. anyways, i've wasted too much of the day. though there's live hockey on teevee now, i shall not be tempted and shall stay here to study for my chemistry SPA tomorrow! =X

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