Monday, June 11, 2007

check this blog out, sibehsian. this mad 28 year old virgin talks about his misadventures in working life everyday. like how he sent an anonymous complain to his boss about his supervisor but the boss replied to him to say he's an idiot for sending an anonymous complain with his own email address. how he requested for the office to sing the national anthem before work every morning but got smacked. the affair between his boss and the sexy young colleague. his quarrels with the office bimbo and his scandals with the nerd. enough said, just go read and you'll know this joker has a super blog. =)

okay, i'm tired so i'll blog anyhow. mugging began this morning with leon at kallang macs at 10.30am till 3pm. then i headed to vivocity for a Shrek3 before heading to parkway macs to meet leon at 7.30pm to mug till 10pm. ate lots of macdonalds today, saw mingfen at kallang macs, saw my pw group member at vivocity. ya cool. oh ya, leon and i have a new donut business plan coming up. hehe. alright, it's mugging again tomorrow morning. nights singapore.

one last thing. many words end with TY. but you don't really will want all kind of TY. like you'll want loyalTY but you won't want nasTY. some want tasTY but not zesTY. so my point is don't eat the macdonalds zesTY lime sundae. yes it's zesTY but it's not tasTY. tasTY more impotant than's also more expensive then normal sundaes by 40 cents. once again, thrifTY is more important than zesTY. =D

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