ya, that was how bad i struggled with my chinese listening comprehension today that i even had to translate all the questions and options into english. well, by being able to translate it, i'm considered qutie good already isn't it? haha. that's what i did for my Os too.
alright, chemistry tomorrow. the vast and big one, i give up. haha. went to town after the paper today for shopping! haha, my cousin lost to me when we betted on the location of Pacific Plaza. well, i won $50 but since he's my dear cousin, i reduced it to $20. i'm just so nice yea. anyway, bought a pair of three quarters. yeap, striped again. i seem to have something for stripes these days.

oh ya, everyone rushed to finish the geog paper till the last minute today but i had already completed it one hour before end time. dammit. paper starts in the afternoon tomorrow which means i get to sleep late and wake up late. alright, i'm gonna go for dinner with my dear cousin now and redeem my $20 prize money! hehehe. =D
ohya, the power of my phone's cam. click on any of the pictures i've posted so far to see the enlarged version. let the clarity take your breath away.
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