He is a very good friend. Loyal and trustworthy. Very outspoken and bright. Always cracks lame jokes and raise the atmospehere of the moment. Should concentrate on studies more although his sports is very good. Confident about himself and always has his opinion on everything. He will keep your secrets without any worry. He always manages to convince me to do crazy stuff and end up getting in trouble together.
Yu Quan
I had known Ivan since Secondary 1. Both of us are in soccer and NCC Sea for 4 years. We are good friends since Secondary 1 and grew closer in Secondary 3. In NCC Sea, Ivan is our timer and he had very good leadership skills. I was surprised he was not the CSM. Things that we do together are playing soccer, bastarding others ans don't like 1 person. Miz Ya.
Ivan, a friend I've known since sec 1. Initially, did not have a good impression. But as time passes, we grow closer(as in good friends, don't anyhow think). Especially when we are in sec 3. We are the best of friends. He is a nice guy and sometimes funny. A joy to the class. He is also a good english songwriter. He has his own good points while I have mine. We click well together. Sometimes what he does, welearn from one another. In all, a good and nice friend. =P Love ya.
so sweet of them yea. hahaha. anyways, postings were released today, this year, it didn't felt like last year because i know where i'm definitely heading. indeed, i headed to where i wanted to go, not by choice though. i wasted last year and hope i'll do better this time round. heavens, let me off please. to all out there, after much analysis, my advice is, if you dont get below 10 points, don't go to a JC. you may survive but won't do well unless you are a single pointer then you'll be safe. simple.
to my dearest, i hope you do well, don't end up like me.
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