Wednesday, May 14, 2008

i'm officially a Chief Operations Officer for my class, sounds like a big shot eh. lol. i think i'm pretty unlucky today, my phone screwed me up and the alarm didn't ring so i had to rush to school on a cab. then i missed bus 40 also and i had to stick to my principle, miss 40, take a cab. lol.

so yea, today my teacher asked what i would do if i had 10 months to live. i said i would write a will to donate my organs to the needy, go on vacations, eat all i want and finally to top everything beautiful, i said i would go on a killing spree to murder all those who have offended me in the past before finally dying. hehe.

ugh, i just smashed a spare phone on the wall moments ago because it failed me. i will destroy anyone or anything that fail me. yeap. the day wasn't too bad as i had dinner and ice cream with my sugar. heh heh.

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