anyways, just got home from hilton hotel with fanglynn for the trinity college preparation talk. well, melbourne's a nice place to live and studying at trinity has good prospect. it's only a one year college path that leads 85% of the students into the university of melbourne. it's like jc here in singapore but it only lasts a year. subjects are more flexible to choose from also, and the university of melbourne is ranked better than nus here in singapore.
if i could turn back time, i would have headed to trinity college straight. it seems easier, but easier things always comes with a price which is money. it is not cheap to live in australia and the school fees are quite a bomb. well, it's hard to fail there i think, the guy who gave the talk made it sound so easy to enter the university. oh ya, the campus has great facilities and it's in a great location too.
everything's great and set in place for fanglynn. i'm happy yet unhappy. happy she is moving on to a better education path, unhappy that she will be leaving singapore for years.
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