Bright cold silver moon
Tonight alone in my room
You were here just yesterday
Slight turn of the head
Eyes down when you said
I guess I need my life to change
Seems like some things just aren't the same
What could i say?
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
i fucking rotted my day away again today and it's bloody irritating. here i am, an 18 year old, the age whereby the brain is most absorbent for knowledge yet i'm simple rotting day in day out not learning anything new each day. oh ya, only thing i learn is how to make nice mashed potatoes on tv today. dammit. someone give some suggestions? ugh.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
it was a really boring day again slacking at home. seriously, i am rotting way too much. luckily lynn girl came by after school to accompany me and also, she made really delicious cookies. haha, i think she found the subway cookies recipe online. it really tastes the same, not boasting nor bootlicking. lol. just got back from supper and debt collecting with my cousin, too cool. haha.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
i'm really lazy to upload photos and the photos aren't too clear anyway. so yea, here goes. met leon and yuquan in the morning for breakfast and east coast followed by some by-the-sea talk then we walked all the way to parkway, then continued our walk to our secondary school. heh!
so yea, we took a bus there to find ben and four of us happily went to play soccer at kallang's cage with the rest of the boys. lynn girl joined us later for dinner, yeap. so the some boys left and it was just lynn girl and us, the four musketeers. so yea, we visited the singapore flyer. superb landscape, should go check it out. anyway, some pictures are on friendster, so yea. yawns, very tired.
so yea, we took a bus there to find ben and four of us happily went to play soccer at kallang's cage with the rest of the boys. lynn girl joined us later for dinner, yeap. so the some boys left and it was just lynn girl and us, the four musketeers. so yea, we visited the singapore flyer. superb landscape, should go check it out. anyway, some pictures are on friendster, so yea. yawns, very tired.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
so last night i was confidently telling my cousin that chelsea will draw, liverpool will win and roma will win. everything happened as i said. this are moments where you wished you had taken a walk to the nearest singapore pools and use your money to buy some slips of paper.
yuquan sent me tons of that edison chen and that female singer's sex scandal photos. i really mean tons. that boy is wild man. lucky i'm a good boy, i pretend to accept the file but i didn't view the contents at all. =)
yuquan sent me tons of that edison chen and that female singer's sex scandal photos. i really mean tons. that boy is wild man. lucky i'm a good boy, i pretend to accept the file but i didn't view the contents at all. =)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

He is a very good friend. Loyal and trustworthy. Very outspoken and bright. Always cracks lame jokes and raise the atmospehere of the moment. Should concentrate on studies more although his sports is very good. Confident about himself and always has his opinion on everything. He will keep your secrets without any worry. He always manages to convince me to do crazy stuff and end up getting in trouble together.
Yu Quan
I had known Ivan since Secondary 1. Both of us are in soccer and NCC Sea for 4 years. We are good friends since Secondary 1 and grew closer in Secondary 3. In NCC Sea, Ivan is our timer and he had very good leadership skills. I was surprised he was not the CSM. Things that we do together are playing soccer, bastarding others ans don't like 1 person. Miz Ya.
Ivan, a friend I've known since sec 1. Initially, did not have a good impression. But as time passes, we grow closer(as in good friends, don't anyhow think). Especially when we are in sec 3. We are the best of friends. He is a nice guy and sometimes funny. A joy to the class. He is also a good english songwriter. He has his own good points while I have mine. We click well together. Sometimes what he does, welearn from one another. In all, a good and nice friend. =P Love ya.
so sweet of them yea. hahaha. anyways, postings were released today, this year, it didn't felt like last year because i know where i'm definitely heading. indeed, i headed to where i wanted to go, not by choice though. i wasted last year and hope i'll do better this time round. heavens, let me off please. to all out there, after much analysis, my advice is, if you dont get below 10 points, don't go to a JC. you may survive but won't do well unless you are a single pointer then you'll be safe. simple.
to my dearest, i hope you do well, don't end up like me.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
so yea, got back from the cruise this morning. rested at home then went for hockey which i just came back from moments ago. so ya, i rested the goaless first half and went on in the second half. so the whistle went, some super passing from my team and i scored into an open goal! haha, that was like less than 30 seconds from the start of second half. woohoo! then we went on to score more and won. whee! we're into the next round. =D
oh ya, i played with a swollen ankle and now not only my ankle has swell bigger, even my feet is bruised now. i really don't know why.
oh ya, i played with a swollen ankle and now not only my ankle has swell bigger, even my feet is bruised now. i really don't know why.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008

super card eh? haha. that's the card i was talking about last night. oh ya, i've signed up for driving lessons and stuff. if all goes well, i'll be able to drive on the roads in 6 months or so coz i'm taking both practical and theory concurrently. cool stuff. once i get my license, my parents can't escape buying me a car. woohoo!
alright, i'm going on a cruise tonight with lynn girl just to chill and relax a little over the weekends. so yea, goodbye everyone! =)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
so it's the annual love day. pretty bouquets are not to be missed and of course i received a fantabulous card in return. hahaha. i'll post pictures of the card tomorrow or something coz now i'm suffering a bad headache, flu and fever which i have since this morning. well, i survived the day.
so yeap, watched P.S. I Love You, feel that the book is better though. haha. anyways, dinner at spizza kinda made the day inperfect anymore. we had to ask two times for ice water, three times for pepper, wrong pizza size, wrong bill and salad was even served after main course and appetizer. well done oh well done.
anyways, the cable car ride kinda washed that anger away. so yea, stopped at mount faber for a little walk then it was cable car back down again. well, the spizza shit was really bloody spoiler but all was good as i had lynn girl for this love day and many more to come. whee! thank you, thank you. i horribly need rest now.
so yeap, watched P.S. I Love You, feel that the book is better though. haha. anyways, dinner at spizza kinda made the day inperfect anymore. we had to ask two times for ice water, three times for pepper, wrong pizza size, wrong bill and salad was even served after main course and appetizer. well done oh well done.
anyways, the cable car ride kinda washed that anger away. so yea, stopped at mount faber for a little walk then it was cable car back down again. well, the spizza shit was really bloody spoiler but all was good as i had lynn girl for this love day and many more to come. whee! thank you, thank you. i horribly need rest now.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
ah, just got home from dinner at my grandmother's. yea, i go for dinner there every night whenever i have the time. well, she was once the head chef of a restaurant and dinner at her place will always be world-class. she's 82 this year and i just had a random thought of her leaving this world. it's very very scary, she took care of me when i was younger and now she chooses to live alone. ahya, don't really know what to say, just hope she doesn't leave me soon. yeap.
anyways, went parkway today with lynn girl for grocery shopping and lunch. then went to get something which i have to thank her alot for coz the shop actually didn't want to sell it till she pleaded for me. haha. i shall head to ice cream chef's soon to watch her perform. lol.
anyways, went parkway today with lynn girl for grocery shopping and lunch. then went to get something which i have to thank her alot for coz the shop actually didn't want to sell it till she pleaded for me. haha. i shall head to ice cream chef's soon to watch her perform. lol.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday, February 09, 2008
pretty boring day slacking at home with lynn girl of course. then had hockey, a dinner at a friend's place and then here i am at home now. mahjong last night was pretty cool. haha, right now, i'm fattening myself by trying to finish up the new year goodies i have at home. whee! btw, one pineapple tart has 90 calories! 0.o
Friday, February 08, 2008
i just shortened the life of my contact lenses from a month to a week. anyways, at lynn girl's house now with leon and loliat. we're gonna mahjong the night away! haha. so it was a pretty long day. woke up early in the morning for visiting then headed to meet leon and loliat to watch kungfu dunk at cine, my buddy jay chou starred in it. then watched the new ahlong movie with lynn girl before we are at where we are now. time to win! =D
Thursday, February 07, 2008

so yea, woke up early in the morning and started visiting place to place. then picked lynn girl up on the way home to head to my house and camp for more income to arrive. then yea, now i'm in lynn girl's house collecting more income and slacking around waiting for my cousin to pick us up for a midnight movie later. yoohoo!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
today has got to be friendship day when yuquan, leon and i met like 19 people we know on the streets. haha. so yea, went to eat reunion lunch with them along with lynn girl followed by shopping in town for some last minute stuff. so yea, reunion dinner and whatever. tomorrow will be money harvesting time. =D
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
My Fantabulous 18.

i hope all the pictures did alot of the talking for me. well, the first group of people i must thank are people who made this birthday a bloody memorable one. i had things like a free din tai fung dinner, great cards, gifts, yusheng, pretty cake and lots of love. i even have pam collaborating with this group even though she knows none of them to spring me a surprise gift.
well, yuquan, leon and fanglynn. thanks so much for the planning. rico, thanks for every bit you contributed too. i really appreciate it alot and i was shy just now to admit how touched i am by all your efforts to make this birthday a great one. i'm 18 now, i can do many things i want, but i have more responsibilities too and i'm glad to take on these responsibilities with all of you by my side. loves, alot.
To those who wished me...
i really appreciate it alot and some of you made me kinda touched by remembering. thanks alot, really. those simple sms-es really mean alot to me.
To those who remembered but never wish me...
then there's no point remembering. start forgetting my birth date please, leave space in your memory for more important things.
To those who didn't even give a damn...
haha, it's okay coz i probably don't or should i say won't give a damn about you anyway. james and liangjing, you all couldn't make it for my birthday gathering, it's okay. the least you all could do was to wish me, thanks for not doing so.
yay! i can finally watch porn, smoke, drink and gamble! ah, kidding. well, i had a really happy birthday. thanks again to whoever i thanked previously. well, that's about it, don't know what else i can say but will edit this post if i have more to say. =)

i hope all the pictures did alot of the talking for me. well, the first group of people i must thank are people who made this birthday a bloody memorable one. i had things like a free din tai fung dinner, great cards, gifts, yusheng, pretty cake and lots of love. i even have pam collaborating with this group even though she knows none of them to spring me a surprise gift.
well, yuquan, leon and fanglynn. thanks so much for the planning. rico, thanks for every bit you contributed too. i really appreciate it alot and i was shy just now to admit how touched i am by all your efforts to make this birthday a great one. i'm 18 now, i can do many things i want, but i have more responsibilities too and i'm glad to take on these responsibilities with all of you by my side. loves, alot.
To those who wished me...
i really appreciate it alot and some of you made me kinda touched by remembering. thanks alot, really. those simple sms-es really mean alot to me.
To those who remembered but never wish me...
then there's no point remembering. start forgetting my birth date please, leave space in your memory for more important things.
To those who didn't even give a damn...
haha, it's okay coz i probably don't or should i say won't give a damn about you anyway. james and liangjing, you all couldn't make it for my birthday gathering, it's okay. the least you all could do was to wish me, thanks for not doing so.
yay! i can finally watch porn, smoke, drink and gamble! ah, kidding. well, i had a really happy birthday. thanks again to whoever i thanked previously. well, that's about it, don't know what else i can say but will edit this post if i have more to say. =)
Monday, February 04, 2008

so it's the eve of my special day. just glad to have my whole family pluss lynn girl and my cousin to give me a really nice pre-celebration knowing that i'll have a bigger one tomorrow with the boys.
work today at vivo was fun as usual, that crazy girl i blogged about when i was working at cathay the other day named jordin was back to be crazy again. lol, i got a feeling that she visits every store when she's getting a relapse. then had long john for lunch, one of my customers back in cine works there so i get a bloody good discount. heh!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
ohhhh. boring day. just some hockey in the afternoon and then at parkway moments ago with my parents and lynn girl to get a laptop for my sis and lynn girl herself. oh ya, she owes me $1999 now. ah, i think i'm gonna have sleepless nights because the boys have warned me about how surprising my birthday surprise will be. it sounds really scary.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
so the under-21 season kick started today and we freaking won 9-0 in our first match. what made it even better was i unexpectedly scored. moreover, i scored two! well, another thing which makes it more surprising was, i was playing as a defender. heh! cool stuff.
oh, i finally took a cab whereby it's only $2.50 when you board and it jumps by 10 cents only. cool stuff. it's some private company i guess, that's why. orange colour cab, sexy to the max. haha. went to lynn girl's place to slack a little followed by dinner at siglap's thai express. to leon and yuquan, the steamboat thing is still alive at the siglap branch, let's hit it soon yea!
so yea, grocery shopping at cold storage after that and it was home sweet home. arsenal won! yay! =D
oh, i finally took a cab whereby it's only $2.50 when you board and it jumps by 10 cents only. cool stuff. it's some private company i guess, that's why. orange colour cab, sexy to the max. haha. went to lynn girl's place to slack a little followed by dinner at siglap's thai express. to leon and yuquan, the steamboat thing is still alive at the siglap branch, let's hit it soon yea!
so yea, grocery shopping at cold storage after that and it was home sweet home. arsenal won! yay! =D
Friday, February 01, 2008
was with lynn girl, yuquan and leon at town moments ago to collect my pay, have lunch and shop a little. i realised why i didn't survive in SA. i skipped all extra lessons because i'm not motivated to go for class. if the leon and yuquan were in the same class as me, i would go for the lessons even though i hate it because i will wanna see them and go through it together.
i detested staying in school because my boys aren't with me. half the time would be spent sms-ing them during lessons. when they ended school earlier than me, i would skip lessons to meet them. i had a chance to be in meridian with them but i chose SA because i wanted to play hockey. hockey destroyed me. if i had gone to meridian, i would study hard together with the boys. we could discuss work together and help each other.
in life, you cannot make mistakes or wrong decisions. there's really no turning back, especially time, you can never ever turn back time. no way. i had no motivation for school, at least if i was in meridian, i would look forward to see the boys in class which will then make me motivated to go school. ugh. what i've done man.
fuck that person for the photo comment on the 6th photo in my friendster profile.
i detested staying in school because my boys aren't with me. half the time would be spent sms-ing them during lessons. when they ended school earlier than me, i would skip lessons to meet them. i had a chance to be in meridian with them but i chose SA because i wanted to play hockey. hockey destroyed me. if i had gone to meridian, i would study hard together with the boys. we could discuss work together and help each other.
in life, you cannot make mistakes or wrong decisions. there's really no turning back, especially time, you can never ever turn back time. no way. i had no motivation for school, at least if i was in meridian, i would look forward to see the boys in class which will then make me motivated to go school. ugh. what i've done man.
fuck that person for the photo comment on the 6th photo in my friendster profile.
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