well, i'll miss every moment we spent together. the very first class outing at island creamery. the following small outings here and there. of course, the national day outing we had whereby we squeezed through the crowd and watched fireworks together. yeap, together. the east coast trip too.
PE lessons were fun too and of course we cannot forget our ever interesting GP lessons. baizura, haha. i'll miss bickering with her alot. definitely. small moments we had together as a class like walking from one classroom to another classroom will be something i cherish alot as well. oh ya, how could i forget the masks we painted as a class and it was exhibited. proud moment yea.
2007 sure zoomed past real fast, too fast for me to catch anything in my grasps in terms of academics except for wonderful memories with a bunch of really cool people which i started out to not really like. lol. i'll turn up for school as much as i can to spend whatever time we have left. 07A11, a class i will never forget, who would right? seemed only like yesterday when we stood up one by one to introduce ourselves to the whole class. haha.
as for my project work group, busy but fun experience. a really big sorry that i have chosen not to stay till the end and leaving the oral presentation part in jeopardy. i have my reasons, please understand. call me irresponsible or anything if you all want. i won't blame, i'm terribly sorry. please forgive me.
07A11, this few months made me seem like i known you all for years. i love you all, tons and tons. i won't forget you guys, don't forget me too. loves.
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